Zera Shimshon on the Weekly Parsha
Rabbi Shimshon Nachmani wrote his epic work "The Zera Shimshon" over 300 years ago.
He blesses the person who studies this work: “And with your eyes you will see children, and the children of your children, like olive trees around your tables, wise and knowledgeable; and houses full of everything good; both wealth and honor will not cease from your offspring”.
Rabbi Chaim Kanievski, zatza"l says learning this Sefer twice a week is a true Segula to help one receive salvation and blessing.
"Come for the Segula, stay for the Torah".
Many people become aware of life changing insights while learning.
Podcasting since 2022 • 273 episodes
Zera Shimshon on the Weekly Parsha
Latest Episodes
Zera Shimshon - Megillas Esther #2 and #3 - Rabbi Zvi Kahn 5779
2 Purim Shiurim in one class. Gain a deeper awareness.

Zera Shimshon - Megillas Esther #1 - Rabbi Zvi Kahn 5780
Apologies - the beginning is missing.A beautiful Shiur anyway!